This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Goal 17: Aboriginal Victorians feel safe and connected

Victoria Police Recruits, including Protective Services Officers, all receive Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training during Week 1 and Week 4 at the Police Academy.

Community-led justice responses are working to address local issues and build greater trust between Elders, community and police.

17.1 Increase community safety and trust in police and the justice system

17.1.1 Proportion of police officers who have received Aboriginal cultural awareness training (June 30 2020)

17.1.2 Victorians who feel safe/very safe walking alone at night in local area in the last 12 months (2006–08 and 2014–15)

17.1.3 Proportion who reported being a victim of physical or threatened violence in the last 12 months (2005–08 and 2014–16)

Number and proportion of First Peoples people employed with Court Services Victoria, Victoria, 2016-17 to 2022-23
