This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Foreword from the Premier

As Premier of Victoria, I am deeply moved by the stories and truths shared through the Yoorrook for Justice report.

These stories demonstrate First Peoples’ strength, resilience and connection. These stories also carry the weight of profound intergenerational pain and trauma.

I acknowledge the trauma experienced by many First Peoples who shared their truths during the Commission’s inquiry into Victoria's child protection and criminal justice systems.

Every Yoorrook Justice Commission inquiry allows the Victorian Government to develop a deeper understanding of how past injustices have influenced modern-day institutions, policies and approaches.

Our path forward will be guided by the experiences of First Peoples. The Yoorrook Justice Commission’s truth-telling process will help to inform how the Victorian Government moves toward Treaty.

It is a journey that we undertake with humility and determination, acknowledging that the road to achieve real change is long but essential. We are committed to working together to create a Victoria that is inclusive, just and reflective of our shared values.

Victorians have listened, learned and had to confront hard truths, but from these hearings we can create a brighter shared future. As we come to terms with our past, we can also learn from and celebrate thousands of years of strong Aboriginal culture.

As Premier, I am honoured to be part of this significant moment in our history and am committed to this journey, ensuring that the experiences and truths of First Peoples, as outlined in the Report, are understood, as we work together for meaningful and lasting outcomes.

When Aboriginal Victorians thrive, all Victorians thrive.

The Hon. Jacinta Allan MP
Premier of Victoria
